China Experience, May 2017
First some advice prior to departing your hometown; If you happen to be a social media addict like myself make sure and download a VPN so that while in China you can access your social media, also I would advise you look into downloading a translator app for your phone so that communication will be made a lot easier. For such an ancient civilization China is lacking in social graces; definitely not a destination for the finicky or faint of heart traveller, for seasoned travellers that enjoy history and culture this is the perfect destination. As I was travelling with my daughter we decided to make Disneyland Shanghai our first place to visit; Disneyland is very popular with the locals and was very crowded the day we visited. All the rides and directions are in Chinese, a translator app would have come in very handy. This Disney park was only opened in 2016 and is already the most popular Disney park in Asia; with profits higher than the Disney park in Hong...